Bulletin Article 8/25/19

Ask me Questions - Growing in Community 

 One aspect about me that you may not know is that I am an introvert. Now, I enjoy spending time with people and have appreciated getting to know so may of you, but my true rest comes from quiet, peaceful time. One part of my introvertedness is that I am not great at anticipating peoples questions or concerns. However, I love to share and teach about whatever people are curious about. That being said, I love when people ask me questions, especially about Church or the Faith. It is a chance for each of us to grow in our understanding of God and each other. If you ever are curious about why we as Catholics or me as a priest does a certain thing, please ask! I love your questions. One practical tip: the 10 minutes before Mass are not the best time to ask questions, because my focus is on the liturgy. However, I will stick around as long as possible after Mass and am happy to field as many questions as possible! 

-Fr. Michael