Bulletin Article 9/15/19

Some areas I’ve noticed I could use help - Growing as Community

I love being able to serve as the priest at St Denis and St Patrick parishes. One aspect of both parishes that I have appreciated is seeing when there are projects that need to be taken care of, often they are being noticed by others as well, and worked on before I even have a chance to bring them up. The fact that parishioners are taking note of what needs to be taken care of, and then accomplishing it, points to our parishes seeing ourselves as family. As your Priest, let me give kudos to you for the family feel of these parishes. Also, over my first 2 ½ months here many of you have said something to me along the lines of “If you ever need anything, please ask or let us know.” I have heard it so many times that I have not been able to keep track of the offers. Many of you have years dedicated to service, which I love to see. I would like to share with you some of the opportunities that I see for service. While many projects have been well taken care of, I have recognized 4 areas where I can’t accomplish what I dream of without some good help. For anyone who has already offered, or anyone who would like to serve these parish families, would you consider serving in one of these 4 areas: 

Prayer Team - Praying at specific times and places for certain intentions. For example, praying for our faith formation students, families, and teachers during class times.

Buildings and Grounds - Minor maintenance and clean up projects occasionally or as needed, especially at St. Denis. 

Food and Hospitality - Preparing and serving food for specific parish events. 

Liturgy Support - Set up and clean up before and after Mass, or preparing the sanctuary for liturgical seasons, especially at St. Denis.

 I know that there are some parishioners who already serve in multiple areas. Thanks you for your good service and please continue what you are doing. I don’t believe that the same people have to do everything and intend this to be an invitation to take the opportunity to begin serving our parishes in small but meaningful ways.  If you are interested in serving in one of these 4 areas, and receiving specific requests, please let me know via email at priest@stdenis-shiocton.org.

This is a way for each parish to continue to grow as a community. 

 -Fr. Michael